Oral Presentation 9th Australian Stream Management Conference 2018

Applied Fluvial Geomorphology in the 21st Century: embracing a Waterway Asset Management approach (#12)

Penny Rogers 1 , Leigh Smith 1
  1. Melbourne Water, Docklands, VICTORIA, Australia

Melbourne Water retains significant knowledge and data on waterway geomorphology however this does not cover the entire region and is not readily accessible or consistent in format. Melbourne Water therefore does not currently have a comprehensive understanding of the occurrence and location of reach-scale fluvial erosion and sedimentation processes across Port Phillip and Westernport. This is inhibiting our ability to take a strategic approach to managing the physical form of waterway assets at the reach-scale.

The Victorian State Government has mandated that all government authorities achieve full alignment with ISO 55000, the International Asset Management Standard. It is therefore a priority for Melbourne Water to establish a Waterways Asset Management approach.

Melbourne Water is working to improve our understanding of the spatial distribution of the geomorphological processes operating across our network of over 8000km of waterways. Ensuring that processes that threaten the physical form condition and function of the waterway to a degree that poses an intolerable risk to defined Levels of Service, are managed appropriately. LOS could supporting include one or a combination of the following along any particular waterway: ecological values, cultural values, amenity, maintaining flooding and drainage, public safety, and protecting built assets, both within the reach, and upstream or downstream.

If it is possible to understand where threatening processes occur, the severity of the processes, and the potential for them to impact, we would be able to effectively prioritise the works required to manage the threat and support the identified LOS for the linear waterway assets.

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