Bus departs at 12:30pm from corner Campbell St and Davey St (side of the Hotel alongside the restaurant Tasman) Google maps here
Please ensure you have appropriate weather proof clothing, suitable shoes and a high-vis vest if you are attending either of the field trips.
Bus departs at 12:30pm from corner Campbell St and Davey St (side of the Hotel alongside the restaurant Tasman) Google maps here
Please ensure you have appropriate weather proof clothing, suitable shoes and a high-vis vest if you are attending either of the field trips.
Welcome Overview of legal rights for rivers (Dr Erin O’Donnell) |
Guest speakers - Rawiri Tinirau (NZ) – Legal rights for the Whanganui River (15 minutes) - Dr Avril Horne (Aus) – Environmental water management and legal rights (15 minutes) |
Audience questions |
Afternoon tea |
Small group discussion: how could legal rights work in the Australian context? Each group tackles a specific river catchment, focusing on the following questions: - What is the subject of the rights? (river, basin, catchment) - What are the important values of the river? - What rights and powers should the river person have? (water rights, property rights, other specific powers) - What sort of organisation should represent the river? (guardians, funding) - How will all stakeholders be represented? (Indigenous people, irrigators, wider community, environment) - How would the balance between competition and collaboration be managed? Example Australian river catchments: - Murrumbidgee River (NSW) - Kati-Thanda Lake Eyre (SA) - Derwent River (Tasmania) - Margaret River (WA) - Martuwarra/Fitzroy River (WA) - Other suggestions from participants, based on local knowledge Participants will receive: (1) a map (2) a brief description of their catchments to guide their discussions. |
Whole group discussion |
Workshop close |
(Allow 7 – 10 mints to walk to Brooke St Pier Ferry terminal from Grand Chancellor Hotel - get walking directions here)
Time: 6:20PM Boarding commences
Keynote Presentation by Kirsha Kaechele